Tuesday 27 September 2011

'Share your Mantra' contest

We at Parx believe that 'The best night spots are in the middle of nowhere'. 

What's your 'Live Easy' mantra? Share it with us.

It can be a word, line, photo, video, anything.

The ones that strike a chord will win free Cafe Coffee Day vouchers every week!


  1. Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink in the wild air...

  2. How much is enough, how much do I really need, and why have I been given more than I need?

  3. You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.

  4. Mann Changa to Kathoti main Ganga!!

    A Man is a success if he wakes up in the morning & goes to Bed at night & in between does what he want to Do!!!!

  5. It DoSeNt MaTtEr WhErE YoU CoMe FrOm As LoNg As yOu BeLiEvE WaTz ThErE In YoU>>>.

  6. Creativity cannot be bucketed. Like you cannot make a great painting with just a black color. Live and think free!
